Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How should the raw apricot kernels be consumed?
As with most spices, the flavor may not be pleasant when eaten alone or in larger quantities.  Our whole apricot kernels taste quite bitter, however, many customers tell us they have come to like the taste.  We generally recommend that one chew (or grind using small coffee grinder) the kernels.  If you grind your apricot kernels, it is best to only grind exactly what you will consume so that you know exactly how many apricot kernels you are consuming each time.  Also, you want to keep the new grinds wrapped, protected and fresh so that the apricot kernels' natural nutritional compounds are not compromised.  To help mask the bitter taste, one may desire to take the apricot kernel (kernal) grinds and sprinkle them lightly over hot vegetables, baked potatoes, soup, salad and/or mix them into oatmeal, cold cereal, granola, or trail mix, etc. 

NOTE: These natural foods should be consumed in biologically rational amounts.  Too many kernels or seeds, for example, can be expected to produce unpleasant side effects. So that you don't overwhelm your body, which will depend on each individual, it is generally a good idea to spread the consumption of your apricot kernels in smaller, manageable portions throughout the day.

How many should I eat per day?
Generally, one may consume 1 1/2 to 2 kernels for every 10 lbs of body weight.  For example, a 150 lb person might consume a maximum of 30 kernels in one day (i.e. 15 x 2 kernels for every 10 lbs body weight).  NOTE: These natural foods should be consumed in biologically rational amounts.  Too many kernels or seeds, for example, can be expected to produce unpleasant side effects. So that you don't overwhelm your body, which will depend on each individual, it is generally a good idea to spread the consumption of your apricot kernels in smaller, manageable portions throughout the day.

What is the maximum quantity that I can eat per day?
The maximum number of apricot kernels you should eat per day would be approx. 2 kernels for every 10 lbs body weight.  For example, a 150 lb person might consume a maximum of 30 kernels in one day (i.e. 15 x 2 kernels for every 10 lbs body weight).  NOTE: These natural foods should be consumed in biologically rational amounts.  Too many kernels or seeds, for example, can be expected to produce unpleasant side effects. So that you don't overwhelm your body, which will depend on each individual, it is generally a good idea to spread the consumption of your apricot kernels in smaller, manageable portions throughout the day.

How many apricot kernels are there in one (1) bag of apricot kernels?

There are approximately 700 kernels in a bag.

How long will it take me to eat one (1) bag of apricot kernels?

A 150 lb person might consume 1 bag of apricot kernels (approx. 700 kernels in a bag) in about 1 to 1 1/2 months.

How should I store them?
The best way to store apricot kernels is to place them in a cool location or the fridge or freezer.

How long will they keep in storage?

They will generally keep between 10 and 18 months (or 1 1/2 years).
Courtesy of Cancerchoice.

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